When Humans learn from Animals

Puja Deshmukh
3 min readFeb 28, 2021


The modern lifestyle has taken human beings away from nature. The imbalance in sleep patterns, diet, and daily exercise is the main cause of modern-day mental and physical health issues. One solution to reduce these problems is to re-establish our connection with nature.

Yoga is a form of exercise that originated in India. This form of exercise is inspired by nature and the natural forms of animals. Each animal has a unique characteristic and yoga asanas try to imitate them in human exercises. Here are some yoga asanas that are inspired by animals. Clicking on the pose name will direct the readers to the visual demonstration of the yoga pose

Butterfly Pose — Badhakonasana

In this pose, the practitioner has to open up their hips joined by the feet, the up and down movement of the legs resembles the flying motion of the butterfly. This asana gives a perfect stretch to the hips and inner thighs.

The Butterfly poses : A perfect stretch for the hips and inner thighs.

Swan Pose — Hamsasana

This pose is also commonly known as the Mermaid pose. When practiced regularly this asana provides better digestion, stronger arms, and abdominal muscles.

Camel Pose — Ustrasana

In this asana, the practitioner has to bend their back to form a backend that resembles a camel. This pose gives a nice stretch to all the parts of the body and increases the blood flow to the face which results in a better complexion. This pose also restores the natural flexibility of the spine.

Eagle Pose — Garudasana

In this pose, the practitioner takes the form of an Eagle. This pose helps mainly in gaining the standing balance. Garudasana majorly contributes to relive Sciatica, the diseases majorly caused due to the modern sedentary lifestyle. It brings flexibility to the body and elongates the arms and thighs.

Tortoise Pose — Kurmasana

In this pose, the practitioner not only takes the form of a tortoise but also draws attention to inner thoughts. It strengths the back tones the abdominal muscles and encourages the overall flexibility of the body. This asana helps in enhancing the skill of patience and deeply stretches the hamstrings and inner thighs.



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